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Commercial Real Estate Agents – 4 Hot Reasons to List Your Successes and Gather Testimonials

In commercial real estate brokerage, your top 10 successes in each property activity or property type category will give you some real momentum and focus as an agent.

By deliberately listing those successes, you can remember and understand exactly the value you bring to your clients locally at the right times. You can then quote those significant results to clients and contacts as part of a presentation or pitch process.

Hot Reasons to Make a Real estate List

Every day you will be reaching out to new people as part of your prospecting model and cold calling process. There are ‘hot reasons’ why you should list your successes as an agent or broker and here are a few of the bigger ones:

  • Questions will be asked of you when it comes to local market activity and achieved results.
  • Having a set of testimonials and listing successes at hand to talk about will help you with converting ever more listings and opportunities.
  • Some clients or prospects will not know you and will need that extra bit of ‘push’ to accept your listing or property recommendations.
  • Most property presentations or listing opportunities are very competitive. There will be other agents waiting to influence the client.  You will only have a short time to convince the client of your ideas and relevance.

The clients and prospects that you work with really want to know that they are working with a ‘top agent’ of experience and knowledge.  They want results in the best possible way.  Your testimonials and ‘Top 10 Success list’ will serve you well as you provide valuable and direct listing information at the time of pitching and presenting.

Ultimate Listing Formula

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Real estate Agents Success List

From this simple ‘success’ list below you can identify and clearly show your clients the best results you have achieved locally.  That will give you traction and relevance in and through your listing conversions:

  1. Time on market – How long does it take you to move your exclusive listings to a positive result, be that in any sale or lease? Graph your results so your time on market factors are ‘visual’ and thereby provable.
  2. Enquiry types and rates with Exclusivity – There will be a major difference in rates of enquiry when it comes to a quality property exclusively listing. Have the facts at your fingertips to show a client how ‘exclusivity’ really matters when it comes to getting the results that they seek.
  3. Listing types – Open listings are generally a waste of time unless you have a buyer or tenant ready to quote the property to. Show your clients the differences of approach and the results achieved when you compare ‘open’ to ‘exclusive’ listings.  Use graphs to show the results ‘visually’.
  4. Methods of sale – Some properties are only suited to certain methods of sale. Auction, tender, expressions of interest, and private treaty are just a few of the main alternatives in selling.  Understand what works and what doesn’t in selling the different property types in unique or separate locations.  Be prepared to make direct recommendations when it comes to the right methods of sale for the situations locally.
  5. Methods of property marketing – We have some very special marketing tools at our disposal. Bundle your marketing services into special packages, prices, and alternatives.  In giving the clients some marketing choices you can make it easier for them to agree with a vendor paid marketing campaign.  Use special strategies with online, offline, and direct marketing.  Any exclusive listing demands a specific approach in each category.

Show your clients and prospects how you can help them and give them examples of your results on other properties and with other clients.  Confidently help them build trust in you as the ‘top agent for the job’.

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