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Developing Real Skills and Strengths as a Competent Commercial Real Estate Agent

In every town or city, special factors must be considered when selling, leasing, or managing a property type (industrial, office, and retail) and within a location.

Every agent then needs to consider how they can stand out as a top agent for the location given all of the competition that’s around.  At an individual level it is important to build on personal skills and strengths.  If you have any weaknesses as an agent then they also will require resolve.

To help you do this I have created a Commercial Real Estate Agent Planning Powerpoint presentation in pdf form for you to download and access.

mindmap for commercial real estate agents on computer screen with man viewing

There is also a Commercial Real Estate Agent Planning chart to use with the pdf presentation.

Print both of these resources and then consider how you can build on your market share and client focus.  What properties and activities will bring you positive results in the coming year?  When you know the answer it is wise to set up a personal business plan.

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