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How Marketing Suspense is Easy to Create in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Attracting people and interest to a property marketing campaign is critical.  In sales and leasing, the rules are the same.  There are plenty of listings on the market at any time, so your listings must stand out as part of a directed and timed campaign.

Before going further here on the topic, understand the differences between open listings and exclusive listings in the promotional sense.  You cannot and should not spend too much time promoting open listings.  Devote most of your time to your exclusively controlled listing stock.  You cannot easily control the enquiry and the negotiations of openly listed properties.

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The Rules of Property Promotion

So how can you create some suspense and attraction in your property marketing campaigns?  Try some of these for starters:

  1. Stage the property release – Depending on the method of sale or lease; you can stage the ‘early release’ of the property and encourage enquiries and inspections from selected people. Scarcity and early release campaigns create good momentum when you use the qualified people in your database.
  2. Build expectations in the market – When you know that a property is to be coming up for sale or lease, deliberately connect with ‘locals’ and businesses in the area. Get the message out about the property campaign coming up.
  3. Use keywords aligned with online advertising – The keyword process is valuable when you craft an advertisement for online placement. Certain words are used more frequently when a property is advertised  Don’t forget to use the location name and property type in the advertising copy, as the search engines will see that and categorise search around those words.  Note that the headline and subheading of a property advert will also be of high value in attracting the eye of the reader.
  4. Put out three different advertising layouts – This is an advertising ‘testing’ process that is useful with all exclusive listings. Different advertisements will give you an idea of engagement and enquiry.  You will soon know what people are looking for and the advert design that seems to be attracting more enquiry.
  5. Call local people around the asset – As soon as you can talk about the upcoming property release, get into the local area and drop off brochures. Talk to local business owners and investors.  Make the message about the upcoming property release clear and attractive.  Build the property ‘message’ and its momentum into the local area.
  6. Focus on target marketing in a direct way – Who or what should be your target market of prospects for the property listing? Ensure that you have that question answered and featured in your promotional efforts.
  7. Mix up your campaign channels – You have a good number of promotional methods to use today with any commercial investment property sale or lease. Use a small but effective list of promotional channels.  Track the enquiry results you get from each.  Soon you will know what works in building momentum towards inspections and enquiry opportunities.

All these things will help you with marketing and promotional suspense in commercial real estate brokerage.  Develop your property advertising campaigns around these simple but effective advertising ideas.

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