How to Make a Promotional Difference in Marketing Industrial Property Today
When your client wants to sell or lease their industrial property, the marketing funds they give you will make a lot of difference in attracting enquiries, inspections, and the price or rental outcome. It directly follows that all top agents convert more marketing funds as part of their sales pitch for the listing.
The marketing campaign and funding process should be a key part of winning the industrial listing. Most particularly that is:
- The funds available
- The media choices made
- The momentum to promoting the property
- The quality of the advertising copy
- The professional images and video used
When you look at the adverts and images used in most property portals, you can see that most listings have been written with little focus and flair; some of the adverts could have been written by a ‘robot’. Many agents just list the basic facts and then start advertising. The whole thing is not very ‘sexy’. So what is ‘sexy’ in property marketing? Read on.
If we want more people to make an enquiry about a listed industrial property then the following rules apply:
- Visual is always #1 – The images used will attract the eye of the reader or the person on the Internet. Ensure you are using professional photographs and or video to pull in the attention of the reader.
- Words that Sell – Your property will have particular features and improvements that will attract attention. Describe those property features but add marketing flair. Use ‘words that sell’ or ‘phrases that sell’ to draw more attention. You can get very good reference books online to do exactly that. A few extra promotional words added to informational facts about the property will make the advertisement copy a great deal better.
- Headline – Your headline is really important. Location and property type are useful facts, but you will need to do more with an eye catching phrase or caption. Look at newspapers and magazines to get ideas to help you with headline strategies.
- Simplicity – Too much advertising copy will confuse the marketing message and put readers off. Most adults don’t like reading too much in an advertisement. Keep things simple by using dot points and only a few paragraphs or sentences. The greater detail about the property can be provided when a person makes an enquiry.
- Choice of Media – Some media choices will be far more effective than others. The results of all of your marketing campaigns should be tracked so you know what works and what doesn’t in promoting industrial property. Look at every exclusive listing to determine the right target market that you are trying to attract.
- Target Market – Industrial property is quite basic by type, although you will have a target audience to pull in for every marketing promotion; determine that target market and focus your promotional efforts around that. So you may want to attract groups such as investors, owner occupiers, manufacturers, distributors, tenants, or bulky goods. What promotional strategies will help you gain their attention?
The promotional strategies for an industrial property should always be well considered and implemented. If you are struggling with facts and features to write about, take a walk around the property precinct near the property to get ideas about the location and activities of other businesses. Soon that creativity will flow back to you with your listing and its promotion.