Overcome Procrastination in Commercial Real Estate Agency
In commercial real estate agency, discipline and action are the key factors of driving better personal market share and commissions. There is no place for ‘procrastination’ when you are a real estate agent.
The agents that ‘procrastinate’ are those that struggle in many different ways. Commissions and listings do not come easily today so regular and ongoing actions are required every day to make things happen.
Here are some common ‘procrastination’ problems for some agents:
- Lack of prospecting every day into your market place in a meaningful way.
- Letting a client distract you from the greater daily business requirements.
- Taking a telephone call that overtakes the plans of the day.
- Taking the easy way out of a problem rather than the right way that involves more work and better actions.
- Taking too long at meetings and in property inspections so the key issues of the day are ‘pushed’ to the next day. When the next day arrives, priorities change.
- Letting co-workers change your business plans and diary for the day.
- Taking short-cuts when it comes to documentation.
- Failing to process paperwork in an accurate way.
- Not checking property details and compliances before the commencement of marketing and inspections.
In this industry, attention to detail is really important and procrastination does not allow you do get the right things done.
Here are some ideas to help you deal with this real and relevant problem:
- Decide what the key issues are in your business as a real estate agent. Determine the 3 or 4 things that have to be done every day to help you stay on track with commissions and listings. Those items cannot be put off for any reason other than illness.
- Set your diary of actions up each night for the next day. Be prepared to take those key actions as a priority. Start the day with focus and not random action.
- Use a written diary as a control tool for your business. Each night you can transpose the actions that arise from your computer based diary, to the written diary. This simple process of ‘writing things down’ allows you to set priorities and plans for the day.
- If someone wants your attention or time and if you have no time available for that, ask them to send you an email that you can look at in the evening.
- Set up 2 hours of ‘client contact time’ in the late afternoons for letting the clients know of listing progress and updates.
- Divert your calls when you are working on key issues.
- Take notes in a ‘day book’ with things that can be done later.
We are the best people to control our actions and efforts in commercial real estate agency. We know what is best for our business. Are you a procrastinator or an action taker? You will drive more business in commercial real estate agency by taking your actions to a plan.