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Ways to Develop a Personal Marketing Plan in Commercial Real Estate Agency

In commercial real estate agency, you must develop a personal marketing plan to promote your relevance as a top agent. If you follow through on the plan every day, market share will become much easier.

The secret to building your commercial real estate business is ongoing contact. In other words, you really should have a plan of contact that you can undertake as a habit every day. Through contact with the right people, you can find quality listings; when you list those quality listings exclusively, you have control of the client, the market, and your negotiations.

Your Real Estate Promotional Plan?

So what does a personal marketing plan look like?  Try some of these:

  1. Understand the local area so that you can clearly see the properties and the locations that will attract enquiry for you.  Stay within geographical boundaries so you can focus your prospecting efforts.
  2. Understand the local people that will need your help.  Also look for the top property investors and property owners; they will need to feature in your marketing plan.
  3. Signboard presence will always be important to your profile.  The traditional signboard will be seen by the ‘locals’ and they are the ones most likely to show an interest in what you are doing.
  4. Every listing is a reason to talk to other people.  Take your exclusive listings into the local area and talk to the property owners and business owners nearby.
  5. Direct mail is a great tool to use.  Most agents do not send letter much anymore.  This can be a great point of difference for you.  If you send a direct letter, make sure you follow it up.
  6. Blogs are very powerful in showing your expertise to the world and your contact base.  Start an informational blog for this very purpose.
  7. Social media is useful but do not rely on it to bring you much new business.  All it will do is help to consolidate your business profile.
  8. Email newsletters and autoresponders are a great way of marketing.  Make sure your database uses those tools.
  9. Telephone contact and prospecting should happen every day.
  10. Meetings should happen daily and weekly.  Track your meetings and call for meeting ratios.
  11. Referral business is part of a good business development plan.  Ask for referrals.
  12. Ongoing contact is really important.  It takes about 3 or 4 contacts to the same person in a relevant way to get a meeting.  This then says that you should be making contact with people as part of a daily, monthly, and quarterly plan.

A good marketing plan will help people understand that you are the ‘go to person’ when it comes to commercial real estate sales, leasing, and property management.  Get your plan started.

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