How to Assemble a Prospecting Model in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
Where is your new business coming from and how frequent is it? When you work as a broker or agent in commercial real estate brokerage, your prospecting activities for new business will be ‘foundational’ to the results that you achieve over time.
Somewhere in your business day, and every day, a prospecting process needs to be happening. It is a discipline and it does take time to build the habit, but the concept will be the business foundation that you are looking for.
Are you looking to make your career strong and rewarding? Then you cannot avoid the requirement of contacting new people to build your business; quality properties and quality clients are part of that. That is where the prospecting model is so important.
Start the new business prospecting process as soon as possible as part of your working day and career. Use these ideas in this prospecting model below to help you get started.