How to Find Commercial Real Estate Tenants in Investment Property
If you have ever presented your leasing services to landlords, you will know that occupancy is such an important issue in investment performance.
Finding new tenants is a critical part of the investment process, and keeping your good tenants for the long term is also a fine balance. The pressure of market rents, occupancy costs, and property improvements is somewhere in that balance.

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Special Investment Property Leasing Report for Brokers
In the next few days, we will be sending out a special bundle of leasing resources to help brokers and agents in major cities and CBD locations find more tenants in office and retail investment properties. It is a special report that helps with the points of difference and focus that is required to help agents be successful in commercial real estate leasing today. You can register for the early leasing resource bundle advise right here.
In the meantime, you can get the first part of the program that has just been released. That leasing report is right here in PDF form for you. Or you can click on the image below: