How to Piggy Back Your Commercial Property Listings and Retain Control of the Enquiry
One well directed and structured commercial property promotion can lead to good inbound enquiry, and an ability for you to ‘cross over’ suitable enquiries into other listings and locations. If the initial enquiry was not fully satisfied on the first listing be prepared to talk about your other listings and locations. Keep the enquiry moving ahead, and most particularly keep control of the enquiry.
Use the fuller potential of your available listing stock to open up the possibility of having the prospect looking at other properties locally.
In this way you are ‘piggy backing’ your listings and your promotions. This is a wise strategy to help you keep the property enquiry active and live. Control the enquiry for as long as possible; that’s the rule.
Keep control of enquiry
When you work a limited location or precinct as a property specialist, the ‘cross marketing’ process across your multiple listings is very sensible and successful. The same principle applies to other listings in the brokerage with other agents. Hopefully the other agents in your team are prepared to let you quote their listing stock with a suitable enquiry. Share the enquiry and optimise the new business opportunities.
You can also take this concept into other services in your brokerage. The client or your prospect making the enquiry may need help in sales, leasing, or property management. Whilst you may specialize in only one of those ‘disciplines’, be prepared to ask the deeper questions of the person you are talking to, and open up the relationship or the discussions into the other members of your team. Keep the enquiry live and moving; control the enquiry wherever possible.
Know all your listings
In preparing for such as situation and ‘cross over’, consider the following as factors to optimize:
- Location based – most enquiries are location specific. Ask about the precincts that the person wants to purchase or lease within. Help them understand the fuller benefits of the location and if necessary take them into the precincts where you have other listings that may suit.
- Property types – given that you should be a specialist in a property type, talk about the asset class in every way possible to feature all the strengths and features for the target market. Time on market, the requirements of buyers or tenants, and the best methods of sale or lease are good places to start the momentum and conversations.
- Rental ranges – compare rental ranges in the properties, and be prepared to talk about market averages and the listings as they relate to those averages. People want to know that they are getting a ‘good deal’ with some upside.
- Improvement types and variations – some properties have better quality improvements, and that fact should be a feature in your listing conversations and introductions. Compare improvements and compare properties on that basis with all the enquiring tenants and buyers of properties. If one property doesn’t suit, then find another that does.
- Service cross over – a listing enquiry can lead into a property management or investment solution. Understand exactly who you are talking to and what they are seeking from local property today. Cross-sell your services at the right time.
So the idea here is that you can take one property enquiry and do more with it. Keep the property enquiry active across all available listings and services that you have available. Promote all your services and listings comprehensively, and piggy back one enquiry across a few properties that could be suitable.