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How to Reinvent Good Quality Commercial Property Marketing

All too often you see commercial or retail properties advertised for sale or lease with a soft message or a very mediocre advertising layout or property description.  The fact of the matter is that many property agents and salespeople have no real training in creating high-quality advertising copy. 

That then creates a problem in the property marketing and enquiry; it can also waste time and money in a low quality ‘lacklustre’ promotional campaign.

Bland advertising copy creates ‘ordinary’ results in both enquiry and interest.  Suppose a commercial or retail property is to be advertised in any way. In that case, the advertising should be carefully crafted by the agent using strategies selected for the targeted demographic of property buyers or tenants.  Attract the enquiry in all your promotional messages.

Quality Promotional Ideas and Messages

To reinvent some good quality marketing practices with commercial and retail, consider some of these ideas:

  1. Develop effective marketing mixes – there are many different promotional tools for us to use today with property marketing including banner ads, internet portal choices, TV, radio, newspapers, websites, and direct marketing. So, some if not all those strategies will be useful for the property listed.  Establish a campaign approach to the promotion of the property so that the message and details of the property are well circulated into the targeted audience.
  2. Choose the best method of sale or lease – given the attributes and circumstances of the local property market and the targeted audience; there will be better ways to promote, then sell or lease the property. Choose the best method based on local indicators from other listings and recent inbound enquiries.  Know what works when it comes to advertising in the local area and with the targeted audience.  Use the promotional methods that pull in the enquiry.
  3. Consider the macro market and the micro market – there will usually be two levels of promotion for most properties. Use different media channels and messages for each.  Spread your advertising spend into both channels given the attributes of your targeted markets and levels of local enquiry.  Monitor the levels of feedback that you are achieving from both promotional strategies and the specific property markets.
  4. Determine the property features that help ‘sell’ the message – there will always be unique features and factors related to the property that can help you with the promotional message. Inspect the property comprehensively before you put together the advertising campaign.  As you inspect the property, look at the individual strengths and weaknesses of the asset.  Use the property strengths as part of the advertising layout and headline message.
  5. Consider costs versus coverage – there will always be limits to the advertising spend. At times, you will be using vendor paid advertising funds as part of the promotional campaign.  Accountability is important when it comes to applying those promotional funds to the property advertising and overall campaign.  Given the target market that you are seeking to attract, consider the best ways to spend the advertising dollar.  Track all your property marketing efforts in that way so that you can make better choices with all your promotional campaigns.  Improve the results of every campaign using the indicators and feedback from other promotional efforts and other property listings.

There are some good things that you can do here with your property promotions and marketing message.  Through a few small changes, the quality of your promotional efforts can be more effective.

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