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Key Principles of Commercial Real Estate Agent Success

They say there are many roads to success in most sales-based industries, and that is true.  In commercial real estate agency sales and leasing, there are many ways to rise to the top of your market as a top agent. 

In saying that, some relevant observations can help you rise to the top of your local property market as a top agent.

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Common Threads

The one common ‘success’ thread across improving all commercial sales and leasing activity is in the salesperson’s ability to see the required new action to take and then implement it.  Habits are challenging for some salespeople to break.  New habits are tough for others to set.  If you work in this industry, you must work on your real estate habits and improve them.  When you do this, you will get somewhere; it takes time and effort to break into new habits and drop old ones.

We have spent years building on what we know and what we do (some of those things can be bad habits or, at best, a waste of time).  Most of those habits are only partially valid in commercial real estate sales and leasing.  The same can be said for the skills required in property management and shopping centre management.

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So, if you want to improve your commercial real estate career, market share, and commissions, you must look seriously at your daily real estate actions and habits.  Here’s a thought:

  • Dump the habits that are holding you back
  • Improve on the useful habits
  • Develop new habits that can help you build your commercial real estate business and market share

In those three simple lines, you have some challenges.  You also have a lot of personal pain and a lot of opportunity.  The top agents in our industry deal with their habits and create personal change very well.  There is no reason you cannot do the same; if the will is there, you can take the required action.  Develop the proper habits, and your market share will change radically.

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Improvement Processes

In saying all this, ‘practice’ is required when trying to improve your weaknesses, bring about commercial real estate change, and develop new habits.  Practice will help you solve problems and strengthen new habits.

In our industry, many agency salespeople focus too much on market knowledge; they should also seriously consider and start improving their personal real estate skills

When you combine market knowledge with skill improvement and new habits, you have the makings of a top agent. Decide what your greatest weaknesses are in the industry and start taking steps to remove them or improve them. Develop new habits.

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