Open Your Ideas to On-line Marketing and Social Media in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate agency and brokerage, you can build your online presence efficiently and effectively when you focus your efforts in the right way.  The focus that you create should be on your property type, your speciality, and territory location.

To do this you can create a list of words that reflect each of those things in a consistent and relevant way.  Establish a list of key words relative to your marketplace that will help you with that.

Here are some strategies to help you with your online activities and profile as a real estate agent in your location:

  1. Every person that you speak to should be encouraged to join your database and get your regular property newsletter.  Each day, make it a personal target to talk to at least 15 new people in your location or sales territory.  Some of those people will agree to being contacted into the future in an ongoing way.  You will need their e-mail address and their mobile telephone number to help you do that efficiently.  Permission marketing is really important here.
  2. Be careful that you do not breach any rules associated with unsolicited marketing and spam.  A professional approach to client and prospect contact will allow you to build your database efficiently and correctly.  Always seek the permission of the person that you are speaking to when it comes to establishing ongoing contact.  Record their permission in your database as part of the contact registration process.
  3. Each week or fortnightly you can send an e-mail newsletter to the people within your database.  With that being said, make sure that the e-mail newsletter process has the provision for any person to opt-out of the list if they wish.  There are many high quality newsletter systems online to allow you to send out regular information in a professional way.  Many of them also have adaptable banner headlines to help brand your newsletter.
  4. Write some articles relevant to your property marketplace and put them on a personal blog that is heavily branded with your name, location, and property speciality.  The blogging process is quite easy and cost free.  Your time is the only requirement on your part.
  5. The Internet and the search engines like to see fresh information provided by experts.  You can provide that specialist information in a regular way.  As a general rule, any articles that you write should be between two hundred and four hundred words in length.  Add some photos to the article process so that your blog is visually attractive.
  6. You will find that many of the blogging sites will offer you solutions for tagging your article and categorising it.  Those tags and categories should match the keywords associated with the property searches made for your town or city, and your property speciality.  In that way your article will be matched to the search requirements and searching trends from the broader market.
  7. When it comes to placing each individual article on a blog site, only choose the correct tags and categories that apply.  If you choose too many, the search engines will be confused and the value of the article will be lessened.

Many real estate agents and brokers tend to overlook the requirement for personal marketing.  Whilst it is nice to have a number of listings and promotions active, the personal marketing process should occur every day in a regular way.  You can use the Internet and the social media channels to help you achieve significant online relevance.

You can also get some tips here in this audio recording below on online marketing for commercial real estate agents.


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