Cold Call Telephone Prospecting Checklist
When you work as an agent in commercial real estate, making lots of calls is a valuable new business strategy. It puts you in the position of finding people and property listings.
Telephone prospecting is also the most effective way of contacting people, both new and current contacts. From that approach you can ask questions.
So what is the message here? To succeed in making lots of calls, a systematic approach to your property market and the people in it is required.
Blueprint for Calling
Connecting with people on the telephone is a personal marketing approach, and it also requires a special set of skills. Today we want to share a checklist of facts and questions here that will help you decide how you want to make calls and who you want to connect with.
The telephone prospecting checklist or blueprint for agents is in a simple PDF form. It will help you think through things so you can set up a contact calling process that works for you in your location and with your preferred property types.
Call Method and System
The advantage in using this methodical approach to real estate marketing is that you will create conversations with new people, and from that you will find situations where you can be of help to investors, property owners, or business leaders.
You can get the cold calling chart here or below on the image.