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How to Use Marketing Suspense in Your Commercial Property Campaigns

When you promote a commercial property for sale or lease, do so to a plan and a strategy. Build the suspense and the momentum in your marketing campaign so you are pulling in more people and inspection opportunities. You only really have ‘one shot’ at creating real marketing momentum, so everything that you do has to be good at the start of your promotional efforts.

Here is a promotional fact to appreciate and work with. The first 3 weeks of any commercial real estate campaign are the most important. Set a timetable to your advertising strategy and efforts; attract the market and the inquiry with deliberate effort.

The inquiry and the target market will be active and interested in your listing if you have done your homework and set the right campaign in motion, and on that basis your advert will be seen by the local business owners and investors.

How to Be Very Special in Your Marketing Methods

Everything that you do  as a promotion with a commercial property has to be attractive and encouraging; that is certainly the case if you want to build momentum and inquiries from your exclusive marketing campaigns.  Don’t be ordinary.

Use the first 3 weeks of the campaign to create real momentum; ensure that the client understands what you are doing and why.

So here are some ideas to help with this idea and promotional strategy:

  1. Put out preliminary information about the property listing to selected and qualified people in your database. Encourage those business leaders and investors to visit the property prior to its ‘public release’.
  2. Drop flyers into the local postal service for the location. You can cover a postal or zip code with flyers about the property. Make sure that you have a signboard on the property at the time that you do this. Local people will go looking for the listing from the brochure drop.
  3. Ensure that the signboard placed on the frontage of the property has a professional photo or photos to encourage inspections internally.
  4. Create a list of 5 factors of attraction that should boost property interest. Look at the property from a tenant or buyer perspective to ensure that you get those features well-tuned to the marketing statement that you are trying to make.
  5. Choose the keywords for your online marketing that would be used by people searching on the web for properties in your location. You can get a good selection of those words by doing a keyword search in 2 or 3 of the most popular search engines.
  6. Talk to people locally. Every listing is a good reason to talk to people locally. Create conversations and ask questions when you promote all of your good quality listings.

A final statement here is that everything should be tuned to your target market; that says you should completely understand the segments of people and businesses you are trying to attract.

Make your marketing message real and relevant for the local area. Get away from the generic marketing approaches used by your competitors.

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