Superior Commercial Real Estate Presentations Win More Listings
In commercial real estate agency today, the listing presentations and sales pitches you make need to be superior in every respect. Attracting the attention of the client in a relative way is all part of winning the property business. That’s what top agents do and it is the main way they convert the better properties to exclusive listings.
So just how can your presentation be better than all the other agents in the market, and those that may be presenting on the same listing? In one word you must be ‘relevant’. In saying that, your ‘relevance’ has to be superior to every other agent and the client needs to understand that you are the best choice. Your solutions to the clients property challenge must be all of the following:
- Timely
- Clear
- Convenient
- Easy to implement
- Provide the best solution
- Show commitment
- Put the client at the centre of the solution
It is interesting to note that those agents that accept and convert a majority of ‘open listings’ are those that are not good at pitching and presenting their services and particularly exclusive listings. They have not been convincing enough in helping the client see that they have the best solution.
Here are some strategies to help lift the quality of your property listing presentations today:
- Meet with the client at the property before you form any opinion about the property and what you can do with it. Walk around the property to see what needs to be done on or with improvements and upgrades prior to commencing the marketing campaign.
- Ask the client about the history of the building and the reasons they purchased it in the first place. The history of the property may be relevant to the marketing campaign in a positive or negative way, so get the full facts.
- Determine a target market that will be suited to the property as you see it today. Have the client understand your thoughts on that targeted group. If they are in agreement with your choices, you are one step closer to creating a marketing strategy to attract enquiries. You are also one step closer to closing on the listing.
- It is likely that the client has little or no idea of the other local properties on the market and the facts that surround those listings. Show the client those properties. Seek comment about value, rent, time on market, and comparisons to your potential listing.
These four simple steps allow you to help the client understand just what is going on in the market and how that may impact their listing. These steps also allow you to prepare the client for your recommendations and strategies for taking the listing forward.