Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Tips for Improving Your Advertising Results and Marketing Efforts

In commercial real estate brokerage, the advertising layouts that you adopt will be of great assistance to lifting the volume of enquiry that you create.  The fact of the matter is that property advertisements can be (and are usually) far too generic, thereby having little by way of attraction to pull in the enquiry.

Your property advertisements have to send the right message and pull in the eye of the reader.  If you have lots of listings on the market at the same time, it is very easy to fall into the trap of standardising your marketing messages with similar words and little uniqueness.  The problem gets even more challenging when you focus in a property location and a property type.  When a property is special, the advertising strategy and promotional message should reflect that.

A Key Fact of Real Estate Brokerage

Before I go too much further here, I will explain one important fact.  There is a major difference in marketing when it comes to ‘open’ listings versus ‘exclusive’ listings.  Exclusivity drives higher levels of property enquiry and consequently your efforts.  If the client has given you their commitment for a long term exclusive appointment, your promotional efforts should escalate in so many different ways; advertising copy and layouts are part of that.

Advertising Goals and Targets

So what are the goals of commercial property marketing from your perspective?  Try some of these for starters:

  • Find the target audience – Some properties will be of more interest to particular market segments and within limited locations. Those factors should have been defined in establishing the marketing campaign to help you with choice of media used and in selecting the location or territory of promotion.
  • Generate lots of enquiry – You are marketing a property to get inbound calls and internet hits or emails. If you are tracking your marketing efforts across all of your listings, you will know what seems to be working from a marketing perspective.  Tracking allows you to repeat positively proven marketing processes.  Conversely, if something is not working with any property advertisement, then you really do need to act soon.
  • Create inspections of the property – Without property inspections you cannot do too much at all. The basic rules to marketing are promote, track, assess, adjust, and repeat.  Do the things that work from a marketing perspective.  Create the enquiry.
  • Choose the best listings – If you err on the side of marketing quality listings, the enquiry rate you achieve will be higher and more genuine. On that basis every potential listing should be assessed for suitability in applying your skills.  Don’t be too eager to take on property listings that have obvious issues of weakness; have the client resolve problems of presentation before the property is taken to the market.

All of these things are simple promotional choices and strategies to consider in commercial property marketing.  To be a ‘top agent’ and an industry specialist you have to be a great marketer.  Are you up to the challenge?

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