Commercial Real Estate Sales Team Performance Tips
When it comes to the commercial real estate market today, as an agent, it is very easy to get distracted by daily events and the clients and prospects that you work with. Your time is your most valuable resource, so use it wisely in every respect.
With property listings and clients, the consistent actions that you take are the foundations of growth and change. Don’t wait for the property market to come to you; go out and find it. Do that consistently.
Protect Your Time
Don’t waste your time; protect it. When you waste your time to satisfy the needs or the demands of others, you will find that your market share and prospecting activities will fall away.
What is the problem here? It is just too easy to waste a day or a few days. That then leads to a decline in enquiry, market share, and listing activity.
How can you fix that? Focus on controlling at least one-third to one half of your day. In that time frame, do the things that can help you build your real estate business.
Daily Broker Activity
Grow your market share on a daily basis. Set your real estate priorities to get the right things done and that will build your market opportunity.
It takes about three months to improve your market share; it also takes about three months to lose your market share. That is the formula of real estate change. Start today to work on the results you want in three months time.
That is the established timetable for results and conversions when it comes to individual salespeople in real estate.
Typical Broker Responses to a Client
If you ask a salesperson today what they would like of their career and time in the industry, they will usually give you an answer including the following:
- Growth of commission and income relating to completed transactions
- Quality listings that they can work on
- Growth of the database for them personally
- Increase in referral business from the established client base
- Improvement in market share
- Recognition as a specialist in the area with a particular property type
- A top agent profile in the local area
The good news is that every salesperson can achieve these results. The bad news is that it takes a specific focus and dedicated time and effort. This then is a personal process that needs to be fed into the daily diary activities of salespeople.
Personal Rules and Priorities in Brokerage
This can all be done through the setting of priorities on a personal basis. When you seriously consider the things that you do every day, there are really only four or five items that are absolutely essential to getting positive results and personal improvement in market share.
Here is a summary of the most common priorities that should be considered in this way:
- Prospecting for new business through the local area
- Maintaining contact with qualified prospects for future opportunity
- Inspecting properties with qualified buyers or tenants
- Personally marketing properties through the local area to relevant parties
- Negotiating and documenting offers on your property listings
The most important item on the list is that of prospecting for new business. That is with new people that you have not spoken to before.
It takes about three months of genuinely dedicated prospecting to achieve momentum and conversions to listings and transactions. Most salespeople struggle with the time requirement and dedicated focus over the three month period.
So you have a choice here; you can let the day control you and your actions, or you can control the day and get the results you want. When it comes to a tougher property market, results are everything, including quality listings, commissions, and referral business.
The market for commercial real estate will never stop developing new trends and experiencing shifts. As a result of the fact that it will never go away, you are free to adapt to the various trends and opportunities as they appear. In today’s real estate brokerage industry, results are produced by discipline.
Maintain close contact with franchise organisations, tenants, and business owners. These four simple categories provide so much opportunity when you prospect into them every day.