How to Use Telephone Prospecting to Generate More Leads and Sales
In commercial real estate today, there are plenty of opportunities to find and listings to create. It all comes down to everyone’s ability to develop systems and delve into the opportunities found.
Conversations and marketing clarity will support the process for every agent as part of the prospecting activity.
When an agent struggles to find listings, the reason usually comes back to one thing. That is their ability (or lack thereof) to create conversations in great volume daily with new people.

Conversations Matter
Conversations create opportunities, discussions around market trends, and meetings. They are the churn factors of real estate activity today that can help you get more results locally with property opportunities.
Telephone prospecting and cold calling are essentially the same thing. There are distinct benefits here for establishing your marketing system around telephone prospecting. The benefits are:
1. Creating More Listings Faster
There are always plenty of listings in any town or city and across all property types. The owners of property and the investors locally are looking to find the opportunities that exist for them.
Some of those groups may want to sell, buy, or lease. How can you help them? Tap into the change factors of the economy. You could be part of and use that change cycle by establishing contact with all the property owners locally in your town or city.
Ask them about how they see the property market and what needs they could potentially have. Questions like that lead to situations and discussions where you can help.
2. Referrals and Repeat Business
You can find better clients to serve over time when you make numerous calls. Those clients can provide you with real estate referrals and repeat business opportunities.
Engage with more new people in an ongoing way to find that referral and repeat business activity.
3. Tapping into Market Changes
Before making many calls into a local area or market segment, consider the property market changes and the economic pressures.
Whom should you be talking with, and for what reason? That is called target marketing in real estate. Promote your questions to the market segments you can relate to and provide the greatest benefit to.

4. Finding People Pressure Points
Who needs you to help with property challenges now? Given that the property market is always changing, opportunities shift and move between buyers, sellers, tenants, landlords, and business owners.
So, where are the pressure points in the economy now, and who should you be talking with? Grow your real estate business in this current and new property cycle with the right groups of people.
5. Priority Zones and People
Focus on property types and locations or precincts as you engage with people to build that pipeline. Don’t move too far from your base location or territory as you make calls and take listings.
The easy way to handle that will be if you split up your territory into ‘A’ and ‘B’ zones. Most of your new business should come from the ‘A’ zone. The ‘B’ zone can provide you with other stock and listing activity if you want it.
When you ‘drill down’ into property zones, you get to know many people and can then understand what they are thinking and need in property change or upgrade. That then becomes a further layer of off-market listing or sale activity.
6. Segmenting the Property Market
Gaining an awareness of market pressure points. What are the segments of the market that are under pressure? How can you help them? Where are the next pressure points to occur locally?
If you work with investors and or business owners, you can help in this changing property market in many ways. How do you tap into that? Talk to more people; it is really that simple.

Plenty of New Business
These simple strategies and systems behind cold calling will allow you to find plenty of new business over time in any property market.
Understand these strategies and the processes behind each of the activities. Soon you will have plenty of new business to work with and clients to assist in commercial real estate sales or leasing.