How to Use Your Voice in a Sales Presentation – Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
Your voice is an important business tool in commercial real estate brokerage sales. You have important things to say.
What you say and how you say it will help you convert client interest and move conversations towards a successful result. Your voice helps you display confidence as part of any property presentation; that will help you convert more listings and complete more transactions.
Ready for some new business opportunities? It directly follows that you should practice your sales pitch and your negotiation dialogues, and thereby improve your levels of communication and conversation as a broker or an agent. Practice how you use your voice and communicate professionally as a broker or agent. Put some local area knowledge and property facts into your presentation and connection with clients.
Connect and Communicate
To convert more listings and more sales, be a great communicator; that is in so many specific and special ways. Local property knowledge and your specific property specialisations will help you with client communications and recommendations. In saying this, property stories related to the location and other listings will help you engage the thinking of the client with their property challenges and your solutions. Choose your stories well, and understand how to display your property skills and recommendations as part of any story.
Practice will help you achieve greater numbers of listing conversions and hence the successful transactions that you are looking for. When I refer to ‘practice’ as requirement, I specifically relate that practice to the use of your voice, the messages you share, and the conversations normally occurring around and with all the following brokerage factors:
- Exclusivity – control your listing stock as part of the listing process. Exclusivity is the best way to achieve that control over time; understand how to talk about that priority and strategy with a client. Show the client exactly how you will engage with their listing in today’s property market and why exclusivity as an important part of that engagement for them and their property challenge. If they want your total commitment to the listing process, then they must give you exclusivity; don’t compromise.
- Vendor paid marketing – promote to the broader groups of buyers in the location and indeed the open property market. The advertising and promotion processes used will be critical to the results that you achieve with both enquiries and inspections. Ask the vendor for property funds as part of the listing engagement process; that is a communication process to practice. Show the client how you will be using those funds to tap into the target market. Provide the client with two or three alternative marketing campaigns using vendor paid marketing funds as part of that process.
- Target marketing – talk about the target market that you believe will be so important to achieving the successful results of any sales campaign. Show the client exactly how you will be tapping into the target market using logical and direct marketing processes. With most listings, local area marketing will be a crucial part of achieving momentum, and the appropriate successful levels of enquiry and inspections. Put yourself into the marketing solutions that you know should apply to the asset so that the client then understands how you will be approaching the businesses and the investors locally.
- Inspection processes – given the property, its design, the layouts, and the improvements, there will be a few considerations to make when it comes to the inspection process with any qualified buyers. Tell the client how you will be taking people to the property and then moving through the property to create interest and enquiry. Also, tell the client how you will be encouraging offers and conversations from the qualified buyers.
- Property negotiations – with most properties today, there are strengths and weaknesses to consider before the listing and marketing campaign commences; that is a negotiation preparation process. Explain to the client how you will be approaching the negotiation processes. Tell them how you will be using the strengths of the property to correctly feature the asset as part of all property marketing and the subsequent inspections. With any weaknesses, develop some specific strategies and solutions. Explain to the client how you can work through the weaknesses and known negative aspects relating to the property today.
So, there are plenty of things that you can do here as a broker or an agent in a sales listing presentation. You can use your voice with confidence and relevance to engage the thinking of the client as part of the listing process and any subsequent negotiation.
The Communication Message?
I go back to the important point of voice practice when it comes to client engagement and communication. Practice your skills as a broker or an agent when it comes to your listing presentation, the inspections, and negotiations. Practice will help you fast track the results that you achieve in those three critical stages of property marketing.