Personal Branding and Marketing for Top Commercial Agents Today
All of our commercial real estate clients and prospects will look at us differently. Our relevance to them will be variable but it will be very important if you want to build your local market share as a top commercial real estate agent. If you are irrelevant, you will not win the business; it’s that simple.
There are far too many ordinary agents out there. Choose to shape your marketing and branding. Build it at every opportunity. Strive to be the best agent in your local area. Know why you are good at what you do and sell it at every opportunity. Personal confidence in our industry is a very big thing.

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Personal Marketing Plan
This all says that you must build a personal marketing plan incorporating the key factors you want to be relevant in or for. If you have not got enough listing market share now or your listings are of poor quality, now would be a good time to look at your personal marketing effort and start rebranding yourself.
Relevance to clients and prospects must be central to your business effort as a top agent (or if you want to be a top agent). You can improve your relevance as an agent in commercial real estate.

Top Tips for Top Agents
Here are some of the top factors that will help you with this personal marketing effort:
1: Local Market Knowledge
Be prepared to be tested by the people that you talk to. Clients and prospects will test your knowledge of local property and you. In your meetings and presentations, give them the facts and information relevant to their property type and location from the local area. Use images and stories to consolidate your information and ideas from the local area.
2: Top Agent Status
Your skills and knowledge create your agent status. When your clients know that you are of that top skill level, the leads and the listings will become a lot easier. Start prospecting with the confidence of a top agent. Show the client the confidence that they expect as part of dealing with a top agent.
3: Signboard Presence
Signboard presence and dominance are critical elements to local branding. You can have plenty of signboards on your properties, but you must get your name on to all your signboards. Clients and prospects want to know your name and see it frequently as they assess your market penetration.
4: Pitching for a Listing
Presentation and listing pitch strategies should be of the highest quality. Confidence and knowledge should emanate from your listing presentation. Show the client that you really understand their needs and how you will take their property to the market. Do not be generic; be specific in all property presentations. Offer sound solutions to the client that cannot be ignored.
5: Marketing Solutions that Matter
Marketing solutions vary from property to property and location to location. Importantly the marketing that you recommend should be very special and focus on the target market for the property. Show the client exactly how you will tap into the available property enquiry today.
6: Property Inspection Strategies
Inspection strategies for each property listing will help you show the client how you will feature the property to inspecting parties. The details of property improvements, services, and amenities should all be well-formed in your inspection and marketing efforts.
7: Planned Negotiation Skills
Negotiation skills are expected of a commercial real estate agent. Unfortunately, most agents are ordinary at best when it comes to negotiation. Take the time to improve your skills here. Practice your negotiation skills.
8: Relevant Database and Shortlist
Database size and type will help you market any property. Use your database as a point of selling your services to clients and prospects. Show them why your database should not be ignored, but rather used as a reason to accept your commercial real estate services.
9: The Best Client Contact Program
Client communication should always be strong and of the highest quality. Every client with an exclusive listing on your agency books should receive the best communication relevant to their listing. How you do this is subjective; however, you should establish a good communication system that can be easily implemented with all of your clients. They will trust you with the marketing of their property, so you do need to keep them up to date with all of your marketing and inspection activity.

Putting it all together
If you can confidently and comprehensively cover all of these bases, you will be very relevant to your clients. Strive to be the best agent locally, and show it at every opportunity. Very soon the listings and the deals will become a lot easier. Referrals will also come your way.