How To Be An Expert With Your Sales Plan in Brokerage
You can get further in commercial real estate brokerage, and do so faster by having a sales plan that you work to every day. In this video, you can learn how to structure your all-important focus on your sales plan.
There are different ways to construct a sales plan in commercial real estate. In saying that, the sales plan should be something that is specific to you as a broker or agent, which is matched to your property market, and your property specialities.
Where should you start the concept? The plan can help you stay on track when it comes to momentum with both clients and listings in your location. Over time you can refine the plan and shape it to your activities and the trends of the property market.
The Foundation of Brokerage
A plan like this is then a business tool that helps you pull everything together in your real estate business; particularly so with clients and listings. It is then the foundation of your career and can be the ‘guidepost’ to individual performance and opportunity.
Review the seven points in the video below that can help you structure your sales plan into your real estate business.