Sales Presentation Commercial Real Estate
As listing commercial property for sale or lease is a competitive process, written submissions must be presented promptly to owners. As part of that, there is plenty of research to do and strategies to develop.
Commit to your sales presentation; refine it over time and match it to market circumstances. As the property market changes through the year, so should your property recommendations and listing pitch.
There are always things to do and refer to when discussing a property and how the market could change. Match the property to the current levels of enquiry and the opportunities that you are seeing out there now.
Be a Better Agent
There is no point in being ‘ordinary’ when pitching for a listing or presenting your property ideas.
The company that has its submission presented first before the owners will likely be given the most consideration. However, the listing agreement or contract is an important document, and it needs to be prepared carefully to ensure that all the marketing and negotiation arrangements discussed with the property owners have been included.
Capture All the Facts
The client’s instructions and the property elements should be carefully captured as part of the listing presentation and agency appointment.
Any questions and issues should be resolved before the listing goes ‘live’ in the marketing sense or when any inspections are to occur.

Your Structured Approach
Presentations to list a commercial property should include:
- SWOT Information concerning the property
- A comparable market analysis
- Marketing budget and plan
- Summation of price estimates plus market evidence
- Best methods of sale or rent (as the case may be)
- A proposed financial structure for the property
- Assessment of the target market to be tapped for the property
- A reference to the owners’ goals and motivations
- A discussion of the market appeal of the property
- Your recommendations and supporting commentary

Keep Things Visual
Visuals will be needed such as:
- Company brochures
- Time on market assessment
- Newsletters
- Copies of press articles
- Advertisement samples
- Internet advertising samples
- Email marketing campaigns on similar properties
You should, if possible, present the property submission in person so that you can talk the owners through the listing documents and immediately clarify any matters of concern.
If possible, obtain exclusive listings as opposed to open listings, but whatever the situation, ensure that the document is accurate and well-presented and that your verbal presentation complements your recommendations.